(10/4) The Matrix - NOTES
- starts with phone call
- Trinity has superhuman powers
- gets in phone booth as trash truck rams booth
- trinity being chased by FBI style guys
- "NEO" is next target
- guy sleeping at computer
- "The Matrix has you...", "Follow the white rabbit"
- 2 grand for disc
- goes with people at door to dominatrix style club
- Neo meets Trinity at club
- "it's the question that drives us Neo", "what is the Matrix"
- Neo = Thomas A. Anderson (program writer for software company)
- Neo gets package at work (telephone)
- Morpheus on phone with Neo
- do exactly as I say
- use scaffolding to get to the roof
- Neo submits to being arrested
- Hacker alias "Neo"
- "what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak"
- electronic bug gets in through belly button
- nightmare?
- Neo is "the one"
- Adams Street Bridge
- stomach bug is extracted with fancy machine in car by Trinity
- Blue Pill = story ends, you make up in your bed, and you believe whatever you want to believe
- Red Pill = stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes
- Neo takes Red Pill as lightning cracks outside
- mirror becomes liquid
- wakes up out of this liquid with tubes everywhere
- tons and tons of tanks (like the Netflix short)
- Neo is flushed and grabbed from water by bright claw from above
- Neo has all these ports going in and out of him
- on the ship Nebakanezer
- wakes up in white room (can load anything)
- "what is real"/"how do you define real"
- post-apacolyptic world
- gave birth to AI that spanned an entire race of machines that rose up and killed us
- machines use humans as energy source (humans are grown)
- The Matrix = computer generated dream world in order to maintain control
- Morpheus believes Neo is the savior
- Zion is the last human city = deep underground
- downloads abilities to Neo
- Morpheus and Neo fight it out
- if you die in the matrix you die in real life
- sentient programs
- shares drinks and gets advice from bald guy
- bald guy makes deal with sentient programs in order to not remember and be rich/famous
- don't worry about the vase
- Deja Vu = glitch in matrix
- in the walls
- Agent Smith and Morpheus meet
- Cypher kills people on ship
- Dozer kills Cypher
- wants to pull Morpheus' plug
- main robot wants out of the simulation
- Trinity and Neo go into simulation to get Morpheus
- building sprinklers go off
- pilot program for helicopter
- morpheus wakes up
- Neo saves Morpheus
- Neo saves Trinity
- Neo gets Agent Smith hit by a train but Agent Smith is fine and emerges with sunglasses
- Sentients attack ship
- sentients get inside ship
- kiss of life
- Neo jumps into Agent Smith
- show them world without boundaries and borders
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