(9/13) 2001: A Space Odyssey - NOTES
- director originally worked on satellites but then used his imagination in sci-fi
- reference to Clock Work Orange
- long black screen with only creepy music (like an opera)
- MGM lion but only icon not moving
- starts with, "most famous sound track ever made"
- empty desert scene
- animal and human bones visible on the surface
- ant eaters and monkeys coexisting but fighting over resources
- monkey heard meets another monkey heard and goes crazy (scares other heard off)
- monkeys hide during the night
- monkeys wake up to find monolith emitting ominous angelic bumble bee music
- cuts to silence of the surroundings
- monkey makes hammer using animal bones
- monkeys with bone bats are standing on two feet and the other monkeys are not
- evolved monkeys kill one of the not involved as example
- bone transfers to space ship
- "Blue Danube" by Strause
- Pan American flight trying to land on satellite
- voie recognition
- "Hilton" hotel
- Picture Phone
- American speaks to Russians
- two groups of monkeys and two groups of humans
- long instructions for zero gravity toilet
- headed to the moon
- Ligetti (experimental vocal work; 20 people on stage all doing different vocals)
- buried 4 million years ago but not sure what it is
- Space 1999 influenced the design of the lunar space ships
- put away to never find it or only find it if you had the advanced technology?
- "same 6 little monkeys"
- Jupiter 18 months later
- hibernation chambers
- HAL 9000 computer, "conscious" = reference to IBM
- talks with HAL but is interrupted by something wrong with the space ship that they have to fix within 72 hours
- inside the helmet with the actor because of the breathing sound
- 1:18:10
- IBM on his arm computer
- screen inside helmet lets him see through material
- let it fail and see what the problem is -HAL
- says it's due to, "human error"
- speak secretly in an escape pod
- HAL is reading their lips
- HAL kills yellow ranger
- computer malfunction and kills people in sleep chambers
- HAL thinks the human will jeopardize the mission = cuts communication
- "I am afraid Dave"
- Sings, "Daisy"
- prerecorded message plays
- long techno aurora light display
- emerges old and in fancy/futuristic traditional room
- old man eating in his room
- old man checks on noise in the bathroom
- up to poetic interpretation
- old version sees even older version in bed
- movie starts with dawn of man and ends with dusk of man
- old man sees monolith in his room
- infant in glowing halo
- giant fetus floating above earth
- ends with fetus staring at audience
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